10 Tips for Keeping Your Office Space Clean
Reading time: 4 minutes
Your Unofficial Second Home
The office is like a second home, literally. And although your office probably provides custodians to help tidy up the place, as an employee, you should also have the responsibility to keep your office space clean.
Here are ten tips for keeping your office space as tidy as possible.
1. Disinfectant Wipes:
These bad boys are great to have. Whether it is a spill or accumulating dust that lingers around, disinfectant wipes are a quick and easy way to wipe down any immediate mess that happens. Be careful when wiping down electronic devices. You may need to use a damp cloth for those.
2. Always empty your trash:
We usually hide our trash bins under the desk. Even though there are custodians available to help tidy up and empty out trash bins, always have the mindset to empty your trash before you leave out for the day. See if it is possible to keep your bin outside your office or cubicle to prevent bad odors for accumulating.
3. Limit what You Print
If your office is not practicing being green, you should. Be sure to limit the number of papers that you print out. Half the papers that we print, we don't even use. They just add to the infinite pile of papers on our desks.
4. Get Rid of Unnecessary Papers/documents
This is an extension of Number 3. Depending on where you work there is probably a policy on handling documents or papers. For unwanted documents, discard as necessary. If your employer’s policy is shredding documents, do so. Also, if you have the freedom if digitalize certain documents, please do. Fewer papers around your office desk help you de-clutter your desk and mind.
5. Do not bring your house to the office
Bring in framed photos of your loved ones. Display your hard earned degrees and and achievements, but try not to bring half of your house to the office. You can get away with a coffeemaker and an exercise ball but try not to deliver flamboyant home decor. Things such as extra shoes and clothes don't belong. If you're the type of person that needs back up clothing, hide them. Try not to allow your space to look cluttered.
6. Minimize the number of Office Supplies on your desk
When you visit Staples or Office Depot, you're usually going to purchase a box of 100 pushpins, 500 paperclips, or 20 pens for the office. To be honest, we only use a small number of these items. We do not need to use 100 pushpins in one day. Minimize the number of supplies you have in your desk area and organize them in a drawer.
7. Air Duster for the Keyboard
Keyboards are hard to clean and most people do not take the time to wipe them off. The best way to clean them is getting an air duster. Just spray the keyboard and in seconds your keyboard is cleaner leaving a fresh feeling of cleanlieness.
8. Throw Away Pens that Do Not Work.
Pens come and go but there are always those pens that never work. You know what I'm talking about. We often forget to throw them away or refill them. Pens can contribute to the clutter in the office.
9. Stay Organized!
Create sections at work for different categories. Keep office supplies in one area, and important documents in another designated area. It’s better to keep your office supplies and documents in separate sections for an organized desk. Create a filing system that helps to know where important and unimportant files are.
10. Utilize your draws and cabinets!
If you have any cabintes in your office space, use them. Hide items that you do not need for a very long time in the cabinet. Also, don not just throw stuff in the cabinets, make sure your cabinets and drawers are organized too.
Clear the clutter!
Keep your office space as nice and clean as possible with these ten tips. Hope they were helpful.
What are ways in which you keep your office space clean and organized?
Kiki N. works in government. She has a bachelors degree in Sociology. She is interested in the Black women narrative and experience.
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