5 Reasons Why People Don’t Negotiate Their Salary


Reading time: 3 minutes

Your Corporate Black Girl

Not enough people negotiate their salary; maybe because it's not explicitly a part of the on-boarding process. Most often, employers don’t mention it, but you can. After following Your Corporate Black Girl, I found confidence in just “asking” for a salary increase.

Your Corporate Black Girl

Here are 5 reasons why people don’t negotiate their salary.

1. We Think Employers Have the Upper Hand

There is a reason why an employer wants to hire you, and in many cases, it’s because you are a good candidate. Employers would rather pick a candidate that will benefit their office or company than a candidate that would take a lower salary. Now that it’s established that you are a good fit for their company, you have the upper hand in the negotiation process. Employers are most likely to negotiate with you to keep you.

 2. Welp, That’s the Salary You Signed up For

Sometimes when we apply for a job, 1) we look at the salary, 2) get selected to be hired, and in the end, you have to live with the salary because “that’s what you signed up for.” Yes, you chose that position you applied for, but it doesn't have to stop there. There is still room to negotiate. We think that because you applied with that salary listed, you have to live with it.

Your Corporate Black Girl

3.  Employers Don’t Ask What Your Ideal Salary Is

You’ve seen job applications that ask for an ‘ideal salary’ and some that do not. For the ones that don’t, make it a priority to state your ideal salary when it’s a perfect time or after you’ve been selected to be hired. Because employers don’t ask, we often forget that we can ask.

4. You Don’t Feel Confident in Yourself

You bring value. You know why? They hired you. Always understand that because you were selected, you should feel confident. Also, build your self-esteem, know that you are important and can benefit your employer.

5. You’re Afraid of the Word “No”

Look, I am more afraid of the word “no” but think about, does it hurt to ask? Let be frank, deep down, you know whether you deserve a salary increase and nine times out of ten, your employer probably knows this too. So ask. There are steps and tips that you can take to ask successfully. Jacqueline V Twillie is the best person to follow for this advice.

Your Corporate Black Girl

Yes, I believe there are times when I should and shouldn't negotiate my salary, but don't let your fear and lack of confidence prevent you from doing so, because negotiating is all about knowing your value. 

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