Posts tagged work
Keep Your Skills Up, Don’t Rely on Your Manager to Do This

Jobs can come and go at any time and for any reason, and this is the unfortunate reality of living in a country in which the majority of states have right-to-work laws (essentially meaning your employment can end at anytime for any reason so long as it's no discriminatory). But, what does this mean for you?

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Step by Step Guide for Putting Yourself First in Your Career

A wise old sage once said, “People don’t quit companies, they quit managers.” This is perhaps one of the most truthful sayings about the workplace. Working with someone you fantasize about throwing in front of a train makes your life miserable but working for a manager that elicits the same feelings can be the stuff of nightmares! 

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What I Learned from The Worst Manager I've Ever Worked With

A wise old sage once said, “People don’t quit companies, they quit managers.” This is perhaps one of the most truthful sayings about the workplace. Working with someone you fantasize about throwing in front of a train makes your life miserable but working for a manager that elicits the same feelings can be the stuff of nightmares! 

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If You’re so Good at Your Job and You’re Still Replaced, Then What?: My Reminder to Prioritize Financial Independence

This incident reminded me that when it comes to a job, no one cares about your qualifications or dedication to the organization. There are rules and procedures to be adhered to, and if you step outside of those, your employer holds the power to end your livelihood in a matter of days—or less.

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Salary Negotiation as a Black Woman in Corporate America

As Black women, we are conditioned to believe that anything we receive beyond the bare minimum is a blessing. We are not taught our true value and are not taught to require that everyone we interact with treat us as though they recognize that value.

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I Am Serena. I am Naomi.

While watching the women's U.S Open Final, I could not help but recognize myself while watching two black women play against each other, both that were powerful and inspiring in their own way. I saw myself as both Serena and Naomi.

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5 Reasons Why People Don’t Negotiate Their Salary

Not enough people negotiate their salary; maybe because it's not explicitly a part of the on-boarding process. Most often, employers don’t mention it, but you can. After following Your Corporate Black Girl, I found confidence in just “asking” for a salary increase.

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