Posts tagged room
Keep Your Skills Up, Don’t Rely on Your Manager to Do This

Jobs can come and go at any time and for any reason, and this is the unfortunate reality of living in a country in which the majority of states have right-to-work laws (essentially meaning your employment can end at anytime for any reason so long as it's no discriminatory). But, what does this mean for you?

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Step by Step Guide for Putting Yourself First in Your Career

A wise old sage once said, “People don’t quit companies, they quit managers.” This is perhaps one of the most truthful sayings about the workplace. Working with someone you fantasize about throwing in front of a train makes your life miserable but working for a manager that elicits the same feelings can be the stuff of nightmares! 

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What I Learned from The Worst Manager I've Ever Worked With

A wise old sage once said, “People don’t quit companies, they quit managers.” This is perhaps one of the most truthful sayings about the workplace. Working with someone you fantasize about throwing in front of a train makes your life miserable but working for a manager that elicits the same feelings can be the stuff of nightmares! 

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Colorism: Skin Tone Affecting Job Opportunities

These are a few of things that everyone thinks about the night before they walk into a room of people that can define their financial fate. But one thing that black women may think about, more than others, is not just their job credentials and what they can bring to the table, but their looks--mostly their skin color.

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